Get Outside Like Minna June Edition

    June 6, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    Happy June! If you live in New York State, summer is officially upon us and the end of the school year is in sight! In honor of the freedom and flexibility that will soon be in our grasp, I have created a flexible and fun Get Outside Like Minna (GOLM)! Minna and her family spent […]

    Get Outside Like Minna the May Edition

    May 9, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    I have finally taken my snow tires off so it must be it is officially spring! Besides hearing the birds and watching the snow melt, seeing people walking past my house is the final confirmation that the world is waking up from its winter time slumber! So this month our Get Outside Like Minna (GOLM) is very simple! Just GET Minna did!

    Meet Blazing A Trail’s Illustrator!

    April 25, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    Hello everyone! Things are getting real over here! We are getting close to publication and I am getting more excited by the minute! I have received our first official presale order! I just can’t wait for June! I hope you have been enjoying learning about the cast of characters in Blazing A Trail: The Minna […]

    Get Outside Like Minna- Why Do Birds Talk So Much?

    April 4, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    Spring might finally be here!! Wahoo! We have had enough gray and cold and dark to last us for a whole year! My favorite part of spring, besides my birthday, is walking outside and hearing the birds sing. This year I decided to answer the question I have wondered about for a long time!

    A little about Minna’s hometown…

    March 14, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    In honor of being halfway through pre-sales of Blazing a Trail: The Minna Anthony Common Story, I wanted to take a break from the characters to showcase the city where Minna grew up and give a little preview of the upcoming book!

    Get Outside Like Minna – How Does Wind Work?

    March 10, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    We are definitely well into winter here in Upstate New York! You can’t leave the house without bundling up in layers of warm clothes! My family and I live outside of Rochester, NY. Minna lived in Watertown, NY. The Watertown area is sometimes referred to as the North Country. During the month of March, Watertown […]

    Meet the Characters: The Second Installment

    February 14, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    Minna was fortunate to have many strong women in her life who influenced how she lived. Today we feature two examples. Anna Botsford Comstock, her teacher and Catherine Common Johnson, her daughter.  Anna Botsford Comstock Anna Botsford Comstock was an illustrator. She first gained recognition as an illustrator for her husband’s publications on insects. In […]

    Get Outside Like Minna

    February 6, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    February is here and in Upstate New York that means more snow!! It seems to be the perfect time to talk about HIBERNATION! So Let’s Begin With A Few Simple YES/No Questions Do Chipmunks and Ground Squirrels Hibernate? Do Bats Hibernate? Do Bears Hibernate? Time’s up! If you answered: Yes Some Well, that’s complicated and […]