One year later…

    March 13, 2021
    by Becky Ferrigno
    Posts across social media are appearing reliving where we were one year ago today. As a writer, I felt a need to share my own two cents. A year ago this week my mother was driving me crazy worrying about a virus in China. She was right. A year ago today superintendent was telling me […]

    Wait and See

    May 27, 2020
    by Becky Ferrigno
    It’s understandable in this extremely stressful time to feel like immediate action is the only way to proceed safely. If a trusted official outlines the next strategy, we respond by reacting. But I would like to offer an alternative approach, called “Let’s wait and see.” It might be the best parenting strategy we can use […]

    May Truth Be The Bird That Sets Your Soul Flying

    April 20, 2020
    by Becky Ferrigno
    Since I was a young child, writing has always been my closest friend, the reliable partner I lean on when my mind is heavy. Worry, conflict, and disappointments fill my childhood diaries. I was never someone who wrote when they were happy. Writing is my way of working out the problems and confusion in my […]

    A Non-Soccer Fan’s Reflection on the World Cup

    July 11, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    I’ll be honest. I am not much of a soccer fan. There is too much running back and forth without scoring to keep my attention. It’s why I like basketball, the scores are big and the action is fast. That being said, I admire the strength and mental discipline that it takes to play soccer. […]

    Mother and Daughter Writing Partnerships

    May 30, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    Children mimic what they see their parents do. Our children pay a lot more attention to what we do than what we say. I frequently write while my daughter is around and often she joins me in her own creative pursuit. During one of our mother/daughter writing sessions, I found myself wondering how many mother/daughter […]

    The Lasting Impact of Minna Anthony Common’s Work

    May 23, 2019
    by Molly Farrell
    Please enjoy’s first guest blog written by Molly Farrell! Molly is the person who introduced me to Minna Anthony Common. She is the reason the book exists at all. The Lasting Impact of Minna Anthony Common’s Work I come from an Irish American family that takes tremendous pride in its oral history.  As a […]

    Welcome to Thousand Island Park!

    May 2, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    One month until Blazing A Trail: The Minna Anthony Common Story is officially in print! I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am about it! Make sure to share in the comments below if you have pre-purchased your copy of Minna’s story! Today’s blog contains our final monthly book detail reveal! I think I saved one of the best things for last.

    Three Lessons We Need to Teach the Next Generation of Strong Women

    March 21, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    I was fortunate enough to be born into a family full of strong, independent women. Raised in their image, I assumed I would have a daughter and do the same. That presumption changed the minute my dark haired offspring unexpectedly came screaming into this world. Instead of the malleable, impressionable child I expected, I am […]

    New Knowledge, New Growth

    February 28, 2019
    by Becky Ferrigno
    On the last day of February, I would like to share a few thoughts about Black History month. I am here to implore you to read more books written by African Americans. We are missing out on a tremendous amount of history and great literature if we don’t seek these books out every month. Learning […]